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Regeneration Enterprises

Regeneration Enterprises



Starting Over Is A Journey…

For survivors of human Trafficking, navigating new paths of freedom can be challenging. Programs which offer housing and counseling services last about a year. After that, most survivors are on their own.


The journey toward healing can take 3 to 6 years of transitional, supportive care to become successfully independent. 

Regeneration Enterprises RESET Program  is a Phase II program helping survivors take their important next steps towards independence after their first year of freedom.

The RESET program helps survivors overcome obstacles restoring identity and I.D.s., clearing criminal records,  financial financial literacy, and credit clearing. We help obtain education or vocational learning. We teach social skills, technical skills and more. Our goal is to clear away barriers that block good employment.

Restoring hope and vision for a good future, this is what we provide at Regeneration Enterprises.

Next Steps



The RESET Pathway to Success

Regeneration Enterprises is a Phase II program helping survivors after they have completed a Phase I Program of care and counseling program. The RESET Program (Regeneration Enterprises Survivor Employment Training) assist to clear away barriers to good employment. 

The RESET Program includes:
• Life Skills Training
• ID Assistance
• GED/Vocational/Collage Assistance
• Work Skills Training/Mentoring

• Legal Records Assistance

• Financial : Banking/Budgeting/Credit Clearing


Regeneration Enterprises is a safe place for acute trauma victims and survivors of human trafficking to obtain life and work skills. Regeneration Enterprises works alongside housing and medical programs, to provide complete wrap-around care. Through our RESET Program survivors gain vision for a new future and the skills to move on toward success. We are committed to helping them find independence, reaching their full potential and God-given purpose.


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